Terms and definitions

1. Terms and definitions

Partners are legal entities and individual entrepreneurs providing services in passenger and luggage transportation by passenger taxi;

2. General conditions

User can order transportation services by means of using JusGo Services. The contractor of the deal is the Partner.

Payment for services can be made in one of the following ways:

The choice of the method of payment for transportation services remains up to the User.

User is entitled to pay for Transport Services by using their Bank Card if technically possible. In this case, the Right Holder may act as an authorized representative (Agent) of the Partner, to make and ensure the acceptance of payments for Transportation Services.

When making payments for Transport Services through the use of Bank Cards, the User must comply with the established rules and requirements of international payment systems, as well as the banks that issued the User's Bank Cards, which regulate payments with the use of Bank Cards.

Observing the requirements for the possibility to pay for the Transport Services via Bank Cards, the User unconditionally and unreservedly accepts and agrees to these Terms and Conditions and to the User Agreement.